Pursuant to Kentucky law, you will need to have your vision tested with any drivers' license renewal. The law went into force 1/1/25. Kentucky gives basically 3 options in the year
preceding your renewal. 1. Get the required vision form from your eye care provider at your visit up to one year before the renewal date. 2. Get the form from a "certified" physician or
provider in another specialty. 3. Go to the Drivers' License site and have them test you at the renewal point. The first two options may carry a nominal charge.
At GEC we are happy to fill out your State vision form during your visit in the year preceding your renewal for $10, or if you call for the form, we can have it ready for you in 2 business days
for pick up, also for $10. This cost will be added to your patient account, and payment will be expected at pickup. Please do not call us for a form earlier than one year before your
expiration. There will be an opportunity for you to disclose your expiration to us at every visit, if you wish us to execute your form. Please ask!
Remember that the law didn't change. It's the enforcement that changed. KRS dictates that you need 20/60 vision minimum from one eye, with a standardized amount of peripheral vision, to operate a passenger vehicle. A key point to remember is that the drivers' licensing sites will screen at 20/40, so if you have marginal vision and don't pass, they will demand that you receive a formal test at an eye doctor.
It's not terribly complicated; we are here to help!